What does Bitfarms do?

Bitfarms is a vertically integrated global Bitcoin miner.

What is Bitfarms' stock symbol?

Bitfarms is listed on the TSX and Nasdaq Exchanges under the trading symbol “BITF”.

Where is Bitfarms located?

Bitfarms’ Corporate Office is located at 110 Yonge Street, Suite 1601 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1T4.

Its Operations and Accounting Office of North America is located at Suite 312, 9160 Boulevard Leduc, Brossard, Québec, J4Y 0E3, Canada.

Its Operations and Accounting Office of South America is located at 3123 Castex Street, PB, 1425, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Where does Bitfarms do business?

Bitfarms has operations and development activities in Canada, United States, Paraguay, and Argentina.

How can I buy stock in Bitfarms?

You can buy or sell shares of Bitfarms’ common stock through any registered broker dealer or by using an online trading account. The company does not offer a direct share purchase plan and otherwise does not offer direct investments of any kind.

Can I buy Bitcoin directly from Bitfarms?

No, Bitfarms does not sell Bitcoin to the public. Once Bitcoin is mined, the company keeps it as digital assets, or as needed, they are exchanged for U.S. dollars through reputable and established cryptocurrency trading platforms.

Where can I find the company's regulatory filings?

All regulatory filings, including financial statements and notifications of material change, can be found on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) website here, as well as on the company’s website here. They can also be found on EDGAR, which can be accessed here.

How can I receive email notifications about developments in the company?

Subscribe to email list

When is Bitfarms' fiscal year end?

The company’s fiscal year end is December 31.

Who is Bitfarms' transfer agent?

TSX Trust Company, located at 100 Adelaide Street West, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario M5H 4H1.

Who is Bitfarms' outside legal counsel?

Canadian securities legal counsel: Peterson McVicar LLP

Canadian commercial legal counsel: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLC

U.S. legal counsel: Katten Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Who is Bitfarms' auditor?

PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

When was Bitfarms incorporated?

Bitfarms was incorporated in Canada in October 2017.

Who is Bitfarms' IR contact?

Tracy Krumme
SVP, Head of IR (Bitfarms)
T: 786-671-5638
[email protected]